When Aaron and I moved up to
Petersburg, the impetus was his job at Alaska Power & Telephone (AP&T to locals). I knew that moving to a town of 3500 people was going to present some limited career opportunities for myself, but I still supported the decision to move for a myriad of other reasons. Primarily, at the heart of this move, a different lifestyle and adventure. Additionally, we now live on an island, with the nearest town that could provide work for a dietitian being 6 hours away by ferry (Juneau). There is a dietitian on the island who works 12 hours at the hospital, and she ain't
goin' nowhere. I figured that this is all a part of the adventure and an unusual opportunity to be open to different job possibilities the universe may send my way. So, as I've stated before, since arriving in
Petersburg, I've been on the job hunt. Even in the world of non-career oriented work, finding a job takes time and timing. Add living in a small town, it's also about who you know. I literally have an application or resume
submitted to just about every business in
Petersburg, knowing sooner or later, something was going to happen. Aaron and I continued to joke about the fact that when "it" happened, I'd have numerous job offers at once...indeed, that time has come. Yesterday I received 3 job offers! When it rains, it pours!
I'm still deliberating as to which will be the best "fit" for me. Do I want something that would provide me with a great social outlet and creativity? Or something that is concrete, with benefits, and would provide lots of learning opportunities? Any of the above could possibly lead me down a path to a different career from the world of dietetics altogether. I am not opposed to this. I'll be sure to let you know what I decide. Just a hint, I'm way too practical.
So, during my time as the life of the unemployment, I decided that I wanted to take full advantage of the luxury of time. Something that I think makes many people uncomfortable or nervous...being by themselves all day without a purpose, other than what they create for themselves. For me, I'm in my element. I read books, I write on this blog (which, inadvertently, has received quite a few more contributions from myself rather than my husband...I'm sorry to be so self-indulgent), and I try to acquire new skills or do those things that you can only do during unemployment or retirement. This includes, trying new recipes, making homemade bread, knitting, etc. Some of these ventures being more successful than others. Currently, my house smells of yeast as I watch my labor of love rise on the stove. As in the words of Borat...great success!!! It makes me feel like a proud mama. Others just leave me perplexed and wishing I knew more people in this town so I knew where to direct my questions. I learned how to cast on from watching knitting videos on the Internet, but now what?! I asked someone at the library, and their response was, "now you start knitting." I just don't get it. What's wrong with me?
I feel the novelty of time and exploration drawing to a close as the world of employment and paychecks knocks on the door. To everything there is a season. Not one is better than the other.
I know that many of Aaron's friends want the fish stories to keep coming, and hopefully we'll be able to do that for you this weekend. We plan to get licenses and take full advantage of the coho season which extends through the end of the month. For other readers of this blog, I have to again be self-indulgent and share a great recipe that I tried this week. I can just hear the groans by some, but hey, nobody's holding a gun to your head. You don't have to read this, and after all, it's my blog and I can do what I want to. ;)
This recipe many be a big late in the season. I'm sure for most of you mid-Westerns with amazing gardens, the time has passed that zucchini is coming out of your ears! This comes from Barbara Kingsolver's book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Just for the record, this book has now earned it's place on my list of the top 5 books I have ever read! It's incredible. In the chapter titled Zucchini Larceny, she includes this recipe. Give it a try! The dietitian in me can also appreciate the union of such a sweet treat with a healthy kick! They even have Mr. Natwick's stamp of approval.
Zucchini Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 egg, beaten
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup honey
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
Combine in large bowl.
1 cup white flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
Combine in a separate, small bowl and blend into liquid mixture
1 cup finely shredded zucchini
12 ounces chocolate chips
Stir these into other ingredients, mix well. Drop by spoonful onto greased baking sheet, and flatten with the back of a spoon. Bake at 350 f, 10 to 15 minutes.
There. Hopefully that wasn't too painful!